To Candidates
moana partners provides professional recruiting services for executive and middle management positions indispensable to client firms. We provide candidates not only timely information on specific career opportunities, but also consultation for long-term career management through the entire recruiting process. We begin the process with a close consultation with candidates considering career change to fully comprehend their current situation and career goals. We survey industry trends and target firms with a view of the potential risks and opportunities, and based on candidate goals and objectives, give precise expert advice on choosing the best career path.
After clarifying and defining their career goals, candidates still have to overcome many hurdles to gain the best career opportunities. The most difficult hurdle is the interview. By working with both the firm and the candidate, we gain a balanced, objective perspective with which we can support your preparations for the interview. In addition to long term career consulting, as you consider moving your career forward, moana partners also offers financial life planning in partnership with a financial planner. In concrete terms, we offer life plan simulations including investment planning, insurance planning, early retirement planning, and taxation planning. We will exert our utmost efforts to support you as your dependable partner, mindful of your dream-filled life plan, working by your side as you take each step closer to realizing your career goals.